
The Museum of Trenčín is a significant part of cultural life in Považie (the river Váh Valley). The institution owns about 170 876 collections, of which there are 104 727 collections in the scholarship department, 36 358 ones in the historical section, 6 496 ones in the archeology, 4 451 collections of the arts and the remaining ones are 10 598.

Apart from its main edifice at the Peace Square (The County House) the Museum of Trenčín also supersedes the Castle of Trenčín (with several expositions), as well as the Charnel House of St. Michael (Karner) and the Executioner´s House in Trenčín. In Nové Mesto nad Váhom there is the Podjavorinske Museum and another exposition is in The Mansion Ambrovec in Beckov. The Museum of Trenčín administers also The Manor House of Draškovič in Čachtice and the Memorial Room of Ľudovít Štúr and Alexander Dubček in Uhrovec.

County House

The Podjavorinské Museum

The Mansion Ambrovec

The Manor House of Draškovič

The Native House of Ľudovít Štúr and Alexander Dubček

Executioner´s House (Katov dom)

The Charnel House of St. Michael (Karner)